Monday, April 15, 2013

Restate questions

1) Question: Write down the names of characters involved, as well as where and when the story is taking place at this point in the text. Next, write down questions you have about the story or characters, and any questions about the reading that you did not understand and would like clarification.

2) Prediction: Write down your prediction for what you think will happen next in the story. Don’t forget to explain what happened in this chapter that helped you form this prediction.

3) Connection: Write down anything that you found familiar: either a situation you have experienced, a character that reminds you of someone, or an event from the story that is similar to something you have already read. *Remember to use good technology ethics! Do not expose names of people anyone could or would know. Use good judgement!

4) Summarize: Re-tell, in your own words, the main plot and important details of your reading. Your summary should not be more than about a paragraph, or 5-7 sentences.

5) Reflect: Write down any quotes, sayings, or moments that affect you in some way. So far, what do you think is the reason the author wrote this book? Are there any themes you recognize? Do you like the book so far? Why or why not? What changes could be made so that you understand or connect with the story better?

1: lennie:bestfriends with george /non educated
George:bestfriends with lennie /well educated
curly: strong and married
Curly wife:flirtatious and open minded
Crooks :black and strong
2:at the beginning of the book a thought george was a great friend to lennie but as the story goes on the charater changes and you will see that
3:there is a charater in  story named crooks he reminds me of one of my friends she is the odd one out of the group and she is out spoken and doesn't mean to she is wrong she is different just like crooks
4:the main part of the story was that you don't need to judge any one by the color of there skin or the way they act or you don't have to bad mouth tgen but the fact thst u have to stay strong and another thing is that curly needs to get his wife together because she is flirting with all of his friends.
5:"I found it "" I found it dead " the quote shows that lennie is weakand the smart comments that george sayd yo lennie after he was relling the truth and the fact that george is really bossy and lennie lets him be bossy


Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Man, paints a very realistic portrait of racism in the 1930s. Discuss at least two ways in which racism is explored in this chapter. Include quotes and your own analysis of key moments in this chapter that clearly demonstrate the racism that existed in the American 1930s. What do readers understand about racism as a result of reading this chapter?


There are many ways to show rasium in this book ..
There is a character in the story named crooks and they get on him because he is black and there are ways of people showing rasium by the color of someone skin color but just of the amount of money some one has. So these are some many ways to show rasium


Let's see if you can make the connection! Think about some of the naturalistic elements we identified in class (Chapter 1). What aspects or characteristics of the 1930s are being demonstrated to us at those moments in the text? What do you believe John Steinbeck was trying to show us or expose about the way people, life, or society was during this time in American history?


Some of the aspects of naturalism that is in the book is that when george goes to camp and talks behind his friends back and I feel like is a peace of realism and because he was not keeping it real wit his real and a part of naturalism because he is taking control of lennie