Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Chapter 4

George and slim are talking about some type of plan and It seems like they are trying to get lennie to sleep some where that they know he wont like I feel like George is a trader becsuse that bunk bed is suppose to be lennie and his bunk bed so know  him and slim are Trying to put him some where that they know that lenjie wont agree on. Something else that happen in this chapter was that I feel George is really fake because on page 40 it says " I use to have a hell a lot of fun wit him. I use to play jokes on him because he was just to dum to care of himself.but he wa also to dumb yo realise that jokes were being played on him. I had fun" this showes how careless George is about lennie.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 3

Through out the story so far we have 4 chacters.the new chacter name is curly and slim. Slim seems very slick about the thing he does. Another thing id that he put things in George head and tries to encourage him to go things. For instance, on pg 39 it says "it wasn't nothing" slim repeated. "say,you sure was right about him." Maybe he anit that bright but he sure is a hard worker" this shows that he is down grading beacuse hevis saying that he is not bright but he is shock due to the things that Lennie can do that George cant


In chapter two it decribe how George and Lennie when in the place it had a bunk bed and it was decribing how it was dirty and how there was a lot of bugs and how it has lice and all the had to sleep on was that gard bunk bed and how the had just a throw blanket to but over them.  It seemed like the bunk they were in was hell I feel bad for them


george from mice and men - Google Search


In this chapter it introduces 2 chacters named George and Lennie. George is more educated then Lennie. So when lennie tries to do certain things it seems like George tries to take power over him. For instance, on page4 it says " a mouse? " a live mouse" "uh -uh just a dead mouse,george. I didn't kill it. Honest! I found it. I found it dead."
"Give it here!" Said George. "Aw, leave me have it, George." This showes that George has much power over Lennie.